Article Vs Others/Own Website – Differences is a platform that allows you to create your own store and sell study materials like notes, PDFs, scanners, test series, and more. It provides several advantages over creating your own website or using other websites for selling study materials. Here are some key differences between and your own website/others:

Account creation and subscription fees: allows you to create a free account and start selling your study materials. However, if you want additional features or services, you may need to pay a subscription fee. On the other hand, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to pay for hosting, domain registration, and payment gateway charges.

Commission: charges only 10% commission on selling and provides you with 90% commission. This means you get to keep a larger share of your profits. In contrast, other websites may charge higher commission rates or fees for selling your study materials.

Store customization: With, you can set up your own store and customize it with your own logo and store link. Similarly, if you create your own website, you can customize it as per your needs. However, using other websites may not offer the same level of customization.

Automation: offers fully automated orders, which means you do not have to fill orders manually. However, if you create your own website, you will need to monitor and process orders yourself.

Maintenance: eliminates the need to hire staff for maintenance, as the platform takes care of all maintenance-related tasks. In contrast, creating your own website may require you to hire staff to manage the website and fix any issues that may arise.

Student base: has a large student base from all fields and streams, such as arts, commerce, and science. This means you can reach a wider audience without having to pay a huge amount for advertising or promotions. However, if you create your own website, you will need to invest in advertising and promotions to reach more students.

Promotions: offers free promotions on social media, which can help you reach a wider audience and promote your study materials. On the other hand, creating your own website may require you to invest in paid promotions and advertising to reach a larger audience.

Selling study materials: makes it simple to sell study materials like notes, PDFs, scanners, test series, mock test series, G-Drive lectures, books, pendrive lectures, and more. You do not need to buy plans for selling these items on the platform. However, if you create your own website or use other websites, you may need to purchase plans or pay fees to sell these items.

Payment gateway charges: does not charge any payment gateway fees, which means you get to keep more of your profits. However, if you create your own website or use other websites, you will need to pay payment gateway fees.

Universal platform: offers a universal platform for education, similar to Amazon and Flipkart. This means you can access all the study materials you need in one place. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may not offer the same level of convenience and accessibility.

Trust factor: has already established its credibility and has gained the trust of many students and sellers. It has a reputation for providing high-quality study materials and reliable services. This can make it easier for you to sell your study materials as you can leverage the trust factor of the platform. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to build your own reputation and establish your own trust factor.

Ease of use: is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, even for those who are not tech-savvy. The platform provides simple tools and features for setting up your store, uploading study materials, and managing orders. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require more technical skills and knowledge.

Security: is responsible for providing a secure platform for buyers and sellers. The platform uses secure payment gateways and encryption to ensure that all transactions are safe and secure. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to invest in security measures to protect your customers’ information and transactions.

Customer support: provides customer support to both buyers and sellers. If you face any issues or have any questions, you can reach out to the platform’s customer support team for help. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to provide your own customer support services.

Marketing and advertising: provides marketing and advertising support to sellers, which can help you reach a wider audience and sell more study materials. The platform promotes its sellers and their study materials through various channels, such as social media, email, and other marketing campaigns. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to invest in your own marketing and advertising efforts.

Competition: has a competitive marketplace, which means that there may be other sellers offering similar study materials as you. However, the platform provides tools and features to help you stand out and differentiate yourself from other sellers. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may not have the same level of competition, but it may also mean that there are fewer opportunities to sell your study materials.

In summary, provides several advantages over creating your own website or using other websites for selling study materials. The platform offers a user-friendly and secure platform, marketing and advertising support, and a large student base, among other benefits. However, you should also consider the fees, commission rates, and competition on the platform before deciding if it is the right choice for you.

Reach: has a wider reach compared to your own website or other similar websites as it has a larger student base from various fields and streams. This means that there are more potential buyers for your study materials on the platform, which can help you increase your sales. Creating your own website or using other websites may require more effort to reach a wider audience.

Convenience: provides a one-stop-shop for buying and selling study materials, which can be more convenient for buyers and sellers. Buyers can browse and purchase study materials from multiple sellers in one place, while sellers can manage their orders and payments in one platform. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require buyers to search for specific study materials from multiple sources, while sellers may need to manage multiple platforms for their orders and payments.

Payment options: provides multiple payment options for buyers and sellers, which can make transactions more convenient and accessible. The platform supports various payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, net banking, and mobile wallets. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to integrate different payment gateways to support multiple payment options.

Technical support: provides technical support to both buyers and sellers, which can help you resolve any technical issues you may encounter while using the platform. The platform has a dedicated technical team that can assist you with any issues related to uploading study materials, managing orders, or using the platform’s features. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to provide your own technical support or hire a third-party service provider.

Flexibility: provides flexibility for sellers to set their own store link and logo, and sell a wide range of study materials, such as notes PDF, scanner, question banks, test series, mock test series, G-Drive lectures, books, and pendrive lectures. This can help you showcase your brand and differentiate yourself from other sellers. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may limit your flexibility in terms of the types of study materials you can sell or the branding options you can use.

Overall, offers several advantages over creating your own website or using other websites for buying and selling study materials, such as wider reach, convenience, multiple payment options, and technical support. However, it’s important to consider the fees and commission rates, competition, and other factors before making a decision.

Trust and credibility: has built a reputation as a trustworthy and credible platform for buying and selling study materials. The platform has strict policies and procedures in place to ensure the quality and authenticity of study materials, and to prevent fraud or other unethical practices. This can help you build trust and credibility with potential buyers, who may be more willing to purchase study materials from a reputable platform like In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to build your own reputation and credibility, which can be more challenging and time-consuming.

Marketing and promotion: provides free promotions on social media, which can help you reach a wider audience and increase your sales. The platform has a dedicated marketing team that can help you promote your study materials on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may require you to invest more time and money in marketing and promotion efforts.

Community and networking: provides a platform for creating a community of buyers and sellers who share similar interests and goals. This can help you connect with other sellers, exchange ideas and best practices, and collaborate on joint projects or initiatives. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may limit your opportunities for networking and building a community.

Feedback and reviews: provides a system for buyers to leave feedback and reviews on study materials they purchase, which can help you improve the quality and relevance of your study materials, and build a positive reputation on the platform. In contrast, creating your own website or using other websites may limit your opportunities for receiving feedback and reviews, which can make it more challenging to improve your products and services.

Overall, offers several unique advantages over creating your own website or using other websites for buying and selling study materials, such as trust and credibility, marketing and promotion, community and networking, and feedback and reviews. However, it’s important to carefully consider your goals and needs, and evaluate the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

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